About Us
We say we do good things in the community, which is true. -But, that's just part of it. The other part is that we are one of over 33,000 clubs in over 200 countries and geographic areas, each sharing the same ideals of service, doing good things in our local communities and working together internationally to make the world a better place to live.
But, what does this club do in the community? We raise money and give it to those who strengthen and improve the community. Our club has an emphasis on youth. We do hands-on projects and have fun doing them. Perhaps the best explanation is through examples of some of the things we have done.
In the spring of 2003, the Boys and Girls Club had the Hit the Road Jack fundraiser canceled by forces beyond their control. This event would have raised the money for the summer youth and community swimming programs. Our club stepped in and provided $10,000, which along with other donations, allowed the Sonoma Valley to have a summer swim program. That got lots of press. But the $6,000 we provided to the Success for All elementary reading programs did not. Nor did the $650 we provided for classroom supplies to support the individual members of our club who adopted a classroom. Nor did the hours, efforts of those in the club who mentor youngsters through the Mentoring Alliance. Community Service includes the things we do to help financially, our hands-on service projects and the things we do individually in the community.
Our club's territory includes the City of Sonoma and surrounding areas East to the Napa County line, North to Oakmont, West to the Marin County line and South to San Pablo Bay. Neighboring Clubs are based in Oakmont, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Sebastopol, Petaluma, Napa and Novato.
Rotary Clubs are organized into districts, ours is District 5130. There are 43 clubs in our district, our club is the most southerly and the Rotary Club of Crescent City, near the Oregon border, the most northerly.